Oluwatoyin is a research student researching for her dissertation investigating how digital technology can be used in the dissemination of culture using cultural artefacts displayed and stored within museum galleries.
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Your understanding of digital representation of cultural artefacts can be described as?
How will you regard the photographic presentation of the artefacts in relation to the material artefacts
Please give reason for your answer
Please suggest something you think would improve the website
How will you rate the website
How did you find out about new digital culture website?
Could you describe how you feel viewing the artefacts online
How can cultural artefacts stored and displayed in the museum be made public?
Have you seen or heard about the artefacts before?
Are you willing to be interviewed either through email, phone, skype or face to face? if your answer is yes
please give your email, phone number or email Oluwatoyin sogesantoyin@yahoo.co.uk
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